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Level 4 AAT Personal Tax Accounting

Course Overview

Every year, changes occur to tax rates, bands, rules, and allowances. Equip yourself with the latest fundamental knowledge of taxation so that you can accurately and fairly compute taxation liabilities. This unit is perfect for individuals who wish to pursue specifically becoming a professional taxation practitioner or those who have completed Level 3 Tax Processes for Businesses and Level 4 Business Tax.

What is AAT? AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) is the world’s leading professional body for bookkeeping and accounting with over 130,000 members worldwide. Their qualifications are developed in consultation with employers and will equip you with the key financial skills modern businesses are currently looking for, plus they are the perfect starting point for a successful, rewarding career in accounting and finance.

Key Information

Course Length
60 hours

Course Level
Level 4

Awarding Body

Learning Method(s)
Online materials
Online assessment

For Individuals

Cost and Funding Information

Full Cost Price

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Unit 1

This unit provides students with the fundamental knowledge of the three most common taxes that affect taxpayers in the UK: income tax, capital gains tax, and inheritance tax. With this knowledge, students will be equipped to prepare not only the computational aspects where appropriate of these taxes, but also appreciate how taxpayers can legally minimise their overall taxation liability.